tagsAll posts tagged with "my-stories"
Family Wedding and Record Snow
January 24, 2025
Since we spoke last, theskinnyonbenny family caught up with family at a wedding and then enjoyed the biggest snow storm ever.
Table Wiper
October 22, 2024
Yesterday, I went to one of the normal places I go for coffee in the morning. I set my bag down on a table outside, and then I noticed that there was some dried up jelly on the table. I went in, paid for a coffee, and asked the lady for a towel to wipe the jelly. I expected, "Oh, I'm sorry. Let me come wipe that for you," but instead, she just handed me a damp towel.
Disaster Area
August 30, 2024
It's been a month back in Baton Rouge and back to real life, and for the most part, it has sucked. We knew we were coming back to some boat maintenance, but our house was a disaster area.
2023 Christmas Shenanigans
December 29, 2023
Every year, I create a big photo book from our activities over the year. It's mostly of the kids, with some other family portrait or maybe one pet picture. I print off three copies, and those get given as gifts to both of the grandmothers and to Mrs. theskinnyonbenny.
Christmas Tree
December 14, 2023
A couple of weekends ago, we headed out for the annual cutting down of the Christmas tree. We drive out in the parts of rural Louisiana that are in the hour or two from Baton Rouge, and there's not really another time that we get to these parts of the state. I forget from one year to the next that rolling hills of East Feleciana Parish are kind of pretty. Even more so with the little bit of changing leaf color that we see up there. It's not New Hampshire in September, but it's prettier than you would think.
Travel Update, Site Update, Social Butterfly
November 01, 2023
There are a lot of upcoming changes to the site, as I still try to get all of the old stuff re-posted. Not much here, other than to report on some planning that we've done, as well as some info on what site stuff is coming up. We finish up enumerating how immensely popular theskinnyonbenny family is this week.
Praising the Lord At Circle K
September 08, 2023
A bunch of nonsense about getting a drink at Circle K and then going to work from the library. I had a couple of run ins with odd people. Also, I love the new checkout gadgets at Circle K.
Nothing Going On, It's Just Fucking Hot
August 30, 2023
I went to look for hurricane coverage this morning and found to my surprise, that Hulu live has The Weather Channel now. I hope the damage from this one is minimal, and that the loss of life is limited to unloved assholes. I thought this one would be too far east to affect us, but we're having a "way west of the hurricane" days, where there's a good breeze, lower humidity, and sunny skies.
I Most Definitely Did Not Get a Parking Ticket Today
August 23, 2023
I have a new morning routine that puts me in the line of fire for parking tickets. Today was the first time that it became an issue.
Driving Blues
August 18, 2023
It's been a lot of driving lately. Coming back from Maine was two really long days. Camp pickup wasn't until 10:00. We left from there and drove until the wee hours. 11 states, and it was all bumper to bumper traffic from Maine through New Jersey.
CWS Championship/Kickoff Summer 2023 Trip
July 04, 2023
We got off later than usual, but we're on the road again this summer. Here's how the first week+ of our trip has looked.
Why Gangsta Paradise is Stuck In My Head Today
May 17, 2023
Back before the days of blogs and digital images, Mrs theskinnyonbenny and I got married and took a follow-up trip to Ireland. We toured around for a bit and happened to end up in Dublin at the same time that then-president Clinton was in town. You young uns won't remember, but back in the day, terrorists would occasionally blow up buildings in Ireland...
Sporting Life
February 04, 2020
Marathon, boat related, beer drinking, swim meet. This post is just a disjointed mess of small things that have been going on.
How to Championship
January 16, 2020
Every time that one of my teams plays for a championship -- an experience that I may or may not ever have again -- I get better at how to do it. Here are my championship stories and how I get better at it every year.
Happy New Year, Internet
January 09, 2020
A few guilty paragraphs about not posting more, a funny text message, and a video from New Year's that made us laugh.
Boo City Planners
August 31, 2018
There are a lot of reasons to take the city planners in Baton Rouge to task. Here's one of very little importance.
Jeep Stereo
August 30, 2018
Driving a Jeep is great, as long as you don't mind rain dripping on you while you're driving, the check engine light being permanently alight, and if you want a consistently working stereo.
Food Thief
April 12, 2018
This is really short but funny. Not adding a spoiler here -- just go read the whole post.
Louisiana Marathon Recap
January 18, 2017
The Louisiana Marathon — or as it's officially known in my skull, the Louisiana Marathon of Mimosa Consumption — was Sunday. I got up early and hauled a small tailgate party's worth of chairs, tables, and music out into the driveway so that I could collapse exhaustedly into my chair and nurse my breakfast alcohol as healthy people who had already run 23 miles (23!) that morning passed.
2017 Resolution: Wipe Your Butt
January 04, 2017
On Christmas morning, I went in for my morning deuce, and found that there was about three squares of toilet paper left on the roll. I had been in both of the other bathrooms the day before, and I knew that this was the extent of toilet paper in our house.
Halloween-time Recap and Pictures
November 07, 2016
It's been like a year and a half since I got photos posted to this web site in any sort of manner that is timely enough to share. Until now. We kicked off spooky weekend number one with a visit to a "haunted corn maze" out in the middle of nowhere. It ended up being a really big corn maze that I suspect looked very little like its map picture:
Hard Drive Hard Times
September 01, 2016
A couple of weeks ago, I had an external hard drive go bad. That's bad news for me, because it's the one I use for both my main laptop's backups and also my music/movie file storage. Not a huge deal -- I always keep two copies of everything -- but I definitely need it back in service.
Groundhog Money Burn and Little Kid Talk
February 03, 2016
This is just three totally unrelated short little posts about what's been happening around the theskinnyonbenny house.
How to Stay Married for 20+ Years
December 05, 2015
Last week, Mrs. theskinnyonbenny and I celebrated our twentieth wedding anniversary. I'm not nearly old enough to have been married twenty years, just as I am not nearly old enough to have a younger sister who dotes on grandchildren, yet here we are in a weird parallel universe where both things are ture.
Old Man Gripes
November 02, 2015
As I've mentioned in this space before, I'm an old man now. It's time to start publishing my gripes.
Purging My Innermost Complaints
May 28, 2015
I keep hearing something that is turning me into a deranged, foamy-mouthed lunatic. I'm not sure if this has just started, or if I've just started noticing. But I keep hearing people say "bolth" instead of "both." Are these maniacs stooges for the "L" lobby? Also, comments on a podcast, some journalism, and a sailboat electronics installation. It's not as disjointed as it sounds.
Old Man/Young Boy
March 26, 2015
A double post, first going into how I'm older than shit, and then followed by some cute daddy-blog crap.
Drive Tunes and Thoughts
March 17, 2015
A big nerdy reflection, a little Three's Company content, and then an out-of-the-blue joke that really hits.
You Checked Our Shitters, Honey?
December 09, 2014
The Saturday after Thanksgiving, we went to get our Christmas tree. The specific criteria we had made it hard to find a place to go:
This Post About Gamecocks Has Nothing to do With Steve Spurrier
May 09, 2013
A description of my post.
Book Review and Dream
March 07, 2008
The first book that I've actually finished in almost six months was <i>The Unconsoled</i> by Kazuo Ishiguro. Like a couple of others that I had started and then abandoned, this one was tough to complete. I needed a finished book to keep from feeling stupid, so I persevered.
Taco Bell to Mike Andersons with "What I Did This Week" In-between
March 11, 2007
A description of my post.
Such a Loosely Bound Collection of Crap, That I Can't Think of a Title
June 28, 2006
I feel bad for little Blossom. Last night, Lili detected some creature in one of our bushes, and did her beagle bark (BARROOOOOOOOOOO!!!) for about fifteen minutes. I dragged her into the house, but she just went back out the door and started up again. Blossom is her faithful sidekick, and hung out outside with the crazy beagle.
Has Anyone Seen My Loincloth?
June 12, 2006
Like most people, I detest Monday mornings. But it isn't that I dread getting in the car and handling a commute; my commute is only seven minutes. And it isn't getting to my desk and dealing with whatever comes my way. In fact, there has been a crisis each of the past few Mondays. Perhaps I'm jaded, but the client crisis doesn't get me too worked up any more. Sure, I'll try to address the problem right away, but it's not something I sweat. Or dread.
Too Much Masturbation
June 07, 2006
On the Wednesday the week of my Las Vegas trip, I checked out of the MGM (work trip) and into Caesar's (my trip). I had just gotten up to my room in the newest tower at Caesar's when my cell phone rang. It was Sharples. "Hey, what are you doing?"
Peeping Tom
April 25, 2006
It was recently brought to my attention that I have a reputation among the neighbors as a peeping Tom, and I know exactly how that reputation originated. Two summers ago, I was doing the finish work on the Regal Beagle, the grill/bar area in our back yard. It was August, and scorching, searing hot outside.
Corn Dog Stories
April 14, 2006
I think I mentioned once that Auburn fans think that the LSU fans smell like corn dogs. I had heard this through word of mouth, and then at the Auburn game last year, I actually heard an Auburn guy walking around LSU's campus say, "It sure does smell like corn dogs around here."
Puke, Strawberries, and Animals
April 10, 2006
I noticed a trend in television this week that I doubt any others will point out. In the course of one week, I have witnessed no less than three realistic-looking vomitings on scripted television shows. I can't remember which show started the trend (Lost maybe?), but it was followed by last week's episode of Huff, and then capped by a multiple Tony Soprano puking last night.
Crawfish Boil Fireball
April 06, 2006
Over the few years I've been doing these posts, I imagine that I've told a number of stories where the principal theme is some boneheaded thing that I did, which lead to odd consequences. This one should top all of the rest of these.
My Goings-on and an Abbreviated Mailbag
March 29, 2006
I haven't updated my site too much lately, and there are a lot of reasons for that. First off, I've been busy at work, and there are three things that make it hard for me to post about my work life:
More Basketball and a Meeting
March 20, 2006
As I predicted in this space on Friday morning, my bracket crashed and burned spectacularly. I followed up my 14-2 Thursday with a 6-10 Friday, and of the 6 I picked correctly, 3 were a 1 seed beating a 16 seed. So really, you could call my record 3-10 on games that were questionable. It's perhaps the most unimpressive day one can have when picking basketball results.
Jim Holt
February 27, 2006
Jim Holt's billboards are everywhere in this city, and I do mean everywhere. On at least one route that I can take on my 5 mile commute to work, I can see this photo on two bus stop benches and on one large billboard. I've even seen this image pop up during the pre-preview advertisements at the movies.
February 21, 2006
I was just recently talking about all of those ghost shows on late night cable TV. I had been watching one about a bar that was haunted by a former bartender who had blown out his brains with a shotgun in the back room. It was one of those shows where actors play the parts, and then they switch over to the actual people for little interview segments.
Where Not to Watch the Parade
February 17, 2006
Our largest and most festive Mardi Gras parade is almost certainly the Spanish Town parade. It's also the most rowdy and raunchy. I saw in a local magazine that they were cordoning off some of the route for "family viewing." I thought it was amusing.
Bluebonnet Swamp and The Chimes East
February 14, 2006
Well, winter finally arrived to Baton Rouge this weekend. By winter, I mean that on Saturday, there were only a handful of hours during the middle of the day where it was warm enough to wear shorts, and even then, only because the hatred of long pants outweighs the discomfort of cold legs in my book.
Email Counting
February 07, 2006
Overall, I get too much email. I went back to a regular week from last October and counted the messages in my various email accounts.
Aging in Reverse
January 31, 2006
Last Summer, I noticed an odd new mole on my shoulder. It was skinny, and it stuck up enough that you could wiggle it back and forth. When Summer ended, I started wearing a shirt more often, and since it was at the base of my neck where I couldn't see, I forgot all about it. Heck, it might have gone away altogether.
Judge Mathis
January 18, 2006
I have the damnedest problems with this one particular landscape light in the front yard. The thing's either not lit, or burning dimly as a candle. Each time I clean things up and get it fixed, something else goes wrong.
Coffee, 0 for 3
January 11, 2006
I'm having the damnedest time making a decent pot of coffee at my house. Sunday morning, I woke up early. Mrs. theskinnyonbenny was out of town, so I had the house to myself. I decided to make a pot of coffee.
Garanimals and the Schnit
January 04, 2006
Remember Garanimals? They were a brand of kids clothes from when I was young. Every item had some little animal visible, giving 1970s parents across the nation the misguided notion that their kids would look as cool as those kids wearing genuine izods. Their gimmick was that every piece of clothing with one animal on it would match every other cloth with that same animal. It's a very good idea (I could certainly use such a system as an adult), but one that was doomed by stretchy cheap polyester as the material of choice.
Christmas Newsletters
December 22, 2005
I started to make up a phony version of one of those photocopied Christmas mailings that you get from people this time of year. The idea was that I could make a big deal out of everyday, mundane shit that happens to everyone, and it would be funny.
My Garage is a Wreck
November 14, 2005
I find it damned near impossible to keep my garage and shop clean. Some -- including the other resident at my address -- will blame my scatter-brained nature, or my disorganization. But the truth is that my own organizational genius is to blame. Allow me to elaborate.
Weekend in 318
November 08, 2005
On Sunday morning, the air was cool as we motored down the Red River. Not so cool that you were uncomfortable, but just cool enough to raise a few goose bumps when the sun went behind a cloud. The banks were devoid of houses, so for a couple of hours we had just seen hills, trees, and birds. "ARE YOU CHECKING FOR LOGS?"
My Tattoo
November 01, 2005
When my nephew was around 6 or so, someone dropped off some wet and stick on tattoos for him. He wasn't around when they were received, so I decided to take one of the tattoos and put it on an ass cheek. The idea was that when he came to proudly show off his new tattoo, I could say, "Wow, I have one just like that!" Then, I could drop my pants and get a big laugh. Everyone knows that six year old boys (and I) find butt cheeks amazingly funny.
Struggling Through Another Week
October 28, 2005
When I turned on my computer this morning, a program that lives in my task bar took the initiative to go to the internet, find some particular server, and ask it the temperature in Baton Rouge. It then changed its stock graphic to a bold, black number: 39.
A Short Note about Priests and Weddings
October 05, 2005
I read this article in Sunday's New York Times. My first reaction was, "What crazy people. Who would behave like this at someone else's wedding?" Then I remembered that at a close friend's wedding reception, the groom's father got into an angry shouting match with the priest who presided, and threatened to drop an ass-kicking on him. I'm pretty sure alcohol was involved there.
Catching Up
September 20, 2005
I suppose that some of you noticed that I haven't posted a damned thing in a long time. It turns out that I needed a little hiatus. "Hiatus" is a fun word, don't you think? Say it out loud right now. I dare you not to laugh. Anyway, we have a lot of catching up to do. This will be a long post.
No Smoking
July 20, 2005
I would like to meet the person who came up with, "Thank you for not smoking," just so that I can call him a pussy to his face. Think about it. Better yet, read it out loud and slow: "Thank you for not smoking."
July 01, 2005
When I left work yesterday, there were obvious storm clouds to the west and south. This isn't too unusual for 6:00 in the summertime. But I had no sides or top on the Jeep, other than a small rectangle over the driver and passenger seats to keep the sun off me during the day, so I knew I had to hurry home. It's only a five mile drive home, but at mile one, it was dark enough to turn on headlights. At mile two, it started to rain. Thirty seconds later, I was in a downpour.
Tobacco Advertisement
June 15, 2005
This is just a quick post to make sure I understand this advertisement, which I pulled out of a major national magazine this week. (I kind of like that you can see where I dog-eard the bottom corner of the page so that I wouldn't lose it.)
Fish Story
June 14, 2005
I went on a fishing trip last week. We went out to a marsh in the middle of nowhere Wednesday evening, and spent the time fishing off the dock, grilling steak, and drinking beer. On Thursday, we took a guided charter out around barrier islands and caught fish all morning. It's a good way to spend a day and a half.
Winning at Roulette
May 27, 2005
My buddy Guido is the king of the grand scheme. You could give him a pile of six week old dog turds, and he could dream up a way to get rich -- or at least to make a decent profit -- from said dog turds. Guido was a year ahead of me in the Electrical Engineering program at LSU, but he finally found his true calling a year or two ago as a slumlord in New Orleans. It's a perfect fit. Where you or I would see a property that should be bulldozed he sees a decent home for poor people.
Unintentional Snazziness
May 13, 2005
The other day, I came in to work, and was told that I look "snazzy." From my perspective, I looked like I always look, but there must have been something different that day. I like the thought of "unintentionally snazzy" being a phrase to describe me, though.
The Middle of the Night
May 06, 2005
I woke up at 2:30 this morning, and within ten minutes, it was clear to me that I wasn't getting back to sleep. This happens to me from time to time. Usually, it's nice to have a quiet dark house. I have enough reading to catch up on and enough hobbies to occupy my time that it usually isn't a problem. But today, I just wanted to watch TV. Here's what I did between the time I woke up and the time I went to work.
The Boat Build
April 19, 2005
If you know me, you know that I am in the process of building a canoe in my garage. You probably also know that this project has been going on since the Carter administration. It hasn't really been that long, but I did start cutting out forms the day that LSU played in the Cotton Bowl. So that would put me two years and four months into the build.
My Ideal Vegas Sports Book
January 25, 2005
Dry eyes, nosebleeds, itchy skin. You guess it! It's time to go to Las Vegas. I imagine that I will spend a good percentage of my time in a sports book. I've spent a lot of time in them over the years, and I've yet to find one that meets all of my criteria for an "ideal" sports book.
The Bum at Lowes
January 06, 2005
I've been begged by this guy before. He's usually after fifty cents or a couple of bucks. Fairly friendly. I wonder why I can remember people who beg from me three times in a year, but I can't remember to take out the garbage on Thursdays. Tonight, he wanted a ride to Tom drive. It was real close, so what the heck.
My Own Panic Room
December 22, 2004
I woke up yesterday morning at around 5:00. I'm not sure why I was up so early, but I was fresh and ready to start the day. I went out to the living room where the gas fire still warmed the air. I watched most of Sports Center and a little bit of the news on CNN. Then I took a shower and went to work early. It was a normal start to a day that would end very abnormally.
October 15, 2004
We all know how the late fees work at every video rental place in the world. You rent a few movies, keep them too long, they charge the late fees to your account, and then you pay those the next time you rent movies. This is the unwritten agreement between all movie renters and rental places that was established right from the infancy of the video rental industry.
Pajama Pants
September 21, 2004
For a couple of weeks now, I have failed to mention my fight with a four year old over pajama-bottoms. No one has ever accused me of being the most mature grown-up in the crowd, but I proved over the Labor Day weekend that I can be as childish as, well, as a real child.
Faggotted Up
September 17, 2004
This was a mean little thing that I did, but also funny. Sorry about the offensive title.
Tired and Sore
August 13, 2004
I have really put this out of shape body through too much in the past week. Monday was one of the most sore days that I've had in several years. Today isn't a lot better, to be honest. I'm not really old enough yet to sit here an enumerate all of my aches and pains. (Although I could see getting to that point in 20 years or so. Won't that be exciting!)
Questions for the Bald Guy
August 06, 2004
The novelty of me shaving my head has finally worn off. My hair actually grows back quite quickly. It's hard to keep a good Charlie Brown look going. As you might imagine, showing up after lunch with your mane lopped off leads to some good reactions. I wish I had thought to set up the video camera to catch the expressions of passes by.
Being a Guardian
July 13, 2004
Brent and Crystal have raised good kids so far. Annika and Jake are tough, active little ones. No one ever stops to whine over a bruise; they just pick themselves up and keep moving, no matter what happens. On the other hand, I've heard Jake scream loud enough to blast paint off of a wall when he was put to bed. And I've heard him keep this up for 30 minutes or more. So keeping them for a weekend was certain to be an adventure.
June 16, 2004
This morning on Sports Center, we got a three-second snippet on the Rock-Paper-Scissors national championship. Yes, there is a series of people who go to a big city and compete in Rock-Paper-Scissors. Naturally, I'm intrigued, so I've endeavored to find out more. One thing to know about me is that I think mathematically and logically. And with that thinking, Rock-Paper-Scissors is a fair game of chance. It should be as predictive and as fair as a coin toss, or cutting for the higher card. Try as I do to believe that this is the case, my real-world experience with RPS proves this to be false.
The Two Worst Smelling Places in Baton Rouge
May 26, 2004
I know a lot of people hate "lists," but don't count me among them. A couple of weeks ago, I started making a list of the 10 worst smelling spots in Baton Rouge. Every time I try to write down the list, I come up with two really legitimate entries, and some random lame filler entries.
On the LSU Lakes
May 11, 2004
I moved to Baton Rouge in the fall of 1989 to start school at LSU. Ever since then, I've never been more than a few minutes from the lakes that frame the campus. I've walked, driven, and cycled around the lakes countless times. I've seen them smooth as glass and frothy with whitecaps, teeming with wildlife, and covered with rotting dead fish. These little lakes can give you anything.
On the Refrigerator Door
April 21, 2004
As I was looking through the refrigerator this evening, I picked up a bottle of food off of the door. It's funny how all refrigerator doors are full of the same bottles and jars of stuff. You never even see the things until you happen to want a pickle, or you wonder if there are any of those spiced beans left that you bought to put in Bloody Marys.
Evening in Patpong
March 27, 2004
I'm planning to post many web log entries from Thailand during my trip over there in the next two weeks. There is only one problem with that. Every time someone looks at pictures or wants to talk about my last trip there, they get hung up on one particular story. It was actually Heather who was pretty insistent on getting to see the filthy side of Bangkok. We packed in a lot of activity, and I can honestly say that we could not have experienced more cultural oddities than we did in such a short time. Thai smut is just one piece of the big puzzle.
Things are good in Baton Rouge
March 23, 2004
You know, this really is probably the best time of year in Louisiana. Consider all of this:
St. Patrick's Day
March 16, 2004
As you've guessed by now, the Baton Rouge St. Patrick's Day parade was this weekend. This is certainly the best one that we have in town. It always takes place at 10:00 on a Saturday, and the weather always cooperates. This year was no exception: enough clouds to keep it from getting too hot, but plenty nice enough to be outside.
Introducing Bonsho
March 02, 2004
I am surprised that I have managed to go this long without telling any of you about my Las Vegas trip. There are a few stories to share, but not too many. Before I get to the point on this one, I'll mention a star-spotting.
Mardi Gras 2004
February 26, 2004
Yesterday was the final day of the Mardi Gras season, and as some of my regular readers might guess, I like to catch a parade or two during the month. I admit right now that I had a crappier parade-going schedule this year than most. We had pretty consistent cold rain in February, except for the final weekend, when we were in Las Vegas.
It's Time for a Spanking
February 12, 2004
Here's an interesting question for the married men readers to consider. This came up in a conversation at work about a year ago. I can't remember how it worked its way into the conversation, but whenever I think of it, I can't help but laugh.
M----t Wrestling
February 09, 2004
It started with an email last Wednesday from Shelly. Yes, we went to see little people wrestling. It's as problematic as you're thinking it might be.