Interesting, Unusual, and Funny
Drone Flights
A couple of these are in other groups, but this is just one place to stick drone flights.
9 videos
Total Duration: Duration: 22:53
Interesting, Unusual, or Funny - Volume 2
Same thing as IUF, Vol 1, but newer. Non-connected, random videos that are interesting, unusual, or funny, and which don't really belong with any of the other groups.
15 videos
Total Duration: Duration: 25:25
2010 Saints Playoffs
Videos from the day of the Saints first NFC Championship game at home, which of couse was the day that they won their first NFC Championship. And after those, there are more videos from Super Bowl Sunday, which of course, is the day that Hell froze over.
8 videos
Total Duration: Duration: 15:36
Interesting, Unusual, or Funny - Volume 1
There's no common thread through these, except that they aren't really movies of our family doing something, and they don't belong with any of the other collections.
20 videos
Total Duration: Duration: 21:52
Original Videos From
These are the first videos I ever posted on the site. I hosted them myself, and video embed technology was such that there was only a 50/50 chance that anyone could see them.