May 04, 2023
I think that I've been a hater of internet polls from the dawn of internet polls, and certainly since the dawn of internet polls that encourage one to share their results to Facebook.
But that doesn't mean that I'm not secretly engaging with them, ever now and then.
I very much enjoyed the Food Disgust Test that's making it's rounds this week. I assumed that I would score off-the-scale low, as I'll eat foods that most of you would consider garbage. And I was pretty much right:

But the author of the post that led me to this test scored just 1/3 of what I did. A man "with a firm constitution" I think they would have said back in the old days.
The surprise on my graph is the Animal Flesh segment. I like the juice running out of my steak to be pink. A roasting pick looks disgusting (especially the face), but smells so delicious. The only flesh-like kitchen thing that nauseates me a little is cutting apart a whole chicken.
The feel of popping the thighs and the wings out of their joint so that the knife will slide cleanly between the ball and the socket has such a satisfying feel in the fingers, while also making me gag almost every time.
I boiled crawfish a couple of times this Spring, and I wasn't ever thrilled with the results. I boiled for the third time this past weekend, and it turns out that not all of the packages of crab boil are created equally. Zatarain's Pro Boil made for a much better batch of crawfish. That, plus a 45-minute soak rather than the 20 minutes that the packaging suggests.
(I write this here so that I can remember the next time that I boil, two years from now.)
My most succesful boil was at the first annual crawfish cookoff in support of Red Stick C.A.R.E.S.. The 45-minute soak time was a combination of two things. First, I had the start time wrong in my head and geared up to have them ready an hour earlier than I was supposed to. And second, when I meant to pull them out, it was pouring rain, so I decided to let them soak some more.
The turnout was good. I can't imagine how good it would have been with the beautiful weather that we've had the rest of this week. They got BR Music Studio to line up some of their student bands, and those kids were pretty good. They also brought a whole lot of people that sat there and didn't buy tickets to eat crawfish.
I don't know what sort of space aliens can sit there smelling crawfish all day and not pony up $20 for an all-you-can-eat wrist band. Maybe they're all super high on the food disgust chart.

What a team!

During the rain delay

Good turnout

I wish I had gotten a better picture of V in his crawfish costume.