All posts tagged with "correspondence"

My Goings-on and an Abbreviated Mailbag

March 29, 2006

I haven't updated my site too much lately, and there are a lot of reasons for that. First off, I've been busy at work, and there are three things that make it hard for me to post about my work life:

Ramblings of the Sleep Deprived

November 04, 2005

I woke up at 3:00 this morning and never did get back to sleep. It's now 8:30 in the evening, and I've started and deleted this entry twice before my current attempt. I usually start writing with a half-formed idea or two, and somehow, my brain turns them into paragraphs without it seeming like an effort.

Feedback from the Tailgate Party

October 20, 2005

I mentioned in my post about tailgating on Saturday that there were a couple of little stories that I would add later in the week. First, I want to elaborate on Shelly's request for text messaged scores while she was in Tiger stadium. She didn't say it explicitly, but clearly, she was looking for USC vs. Notre Dame updates. What she got was this series of messages, copied and pasted dirctly from my phone.

Mailbag V

September 23, 2005

It's been a long time since I did a mailbag post, and I've been saving up some good ones. I've used my best judgment about whether to use real names or not. I have a lot of ones that people forward me from their office, and I don't want anyone to get in trouble.

Mailbag IV

January 14, 2005

I sure would like to do more posts that just regurgitate email. It isn't that I'm too lazy to make up new stuff. It's just that it hurts less when the asinine nonsense in this space isn't a product of my own brain. I want everyone to resolve to take the time to email me something amusing next week.

Mailbag III

July 21, 2004

When I got to work this morning, I had a note on my computer that said, "Check in the morning." I had the sense yesterday evening to write a note, knowing that I would forget to check. However, I neglected to tell myself what I was checking. Getting old sucks.

Mailbag II

May 17, 2004

More mail from friends.

Mailbag I

February 17, 2004

Last week was a bad one for me, and I wasn't really in the mood to note cute observations to share with all of you. But, I'm getting messages that are pretty good, so I figured I would just let you all write this entry for me.