About This Cat
August 02, 2020
We went on a Covid-summer road trip that took us the whole Summer. The cat took an entirely different Summer vacation in the Ozarks.
Quarantine, Year One
April 07, 2020
I never really understood how a change of scenery keeps my work from being oh-so-boring. I've actually had a lot to do, and interesting things to work on. I've got a view of every out-building on the 3900 block between Claycut Rd. and Capital Heights, and I'm still itching for a change.
You Better Start Rolling a Shitload of Meat Pies
March 03, 2020
My sweet son V likes nothing more than shopping for trucks. He apparently took his inquiry a little further this week, and entered his contact information into a form. As soon as he started getting messages from the dealer, he got a little nervous.
Sporting Life
February 04, 2020
Marathon, boat related, beer drinking, swim meet. This post is just a disjointed mess of small things that have been going on.
Waiting at the Natatorium
January 24, 2020
Taking your kids to practice sounds like fun before you have to do it. Here's what I'm thinking about while I'm just sitting around waiting for practice to be over.
How to Championship
January 16, 2020
Every time that one of my teams plays for a championship -- an experience that I may or may not ever have again -- I get better at how to do it. Here are my championship stories and how I get better at it every year.
Happy New Year, Internet
January 09, 2020
A few guilty paragraphs about not posting more, a funny text message, and a video from New Year's that made us laugh.
What is a Pickled Pig's Lip?
November 08, 2019
A short funny post about a podcaster who is clueless about flyover America.
The Best Artist That No One Hates
December 05, 2018
The dentist chair is a good place for the mind to wander. This week, I took those mind-wanderings and started typing them out as a post. Whose music is dentist-office appropriate, but still good? Let the debate begin.