Summer 2023 Trip, Part 2
July 12, 2023
We continued to travel north and east, to the point now where we're just about out of continent.
North America is huge. I did some interneting, and I'm almost exactly the same distance from Reykjavik, Iceland as we are from Baton Rouge.

Right now, it's kind of cold, and very wet. Hopefully better weather tomorrow.
Captain's Log
July 4: Quebec City - I walked around the city by myself all morning. Hills kicked my ass, but it was a pretty day in a pretty city. Once the fam was up, we had a two-hour long French lunch at a sidewalk table. Really nice. After that, we drove to Fundy National Park, getting there very late.
July 5: We woke up to a rainy day at the park, so we mostly stayed near the campsite. We did venture out to some scenic overlooks and whatnot.
July 6: Fundy NP day. We ate in town, went to the pool which overlooks the ocean, and checked in frequently on the tides. The Bay of Fundy has the biggest tidal range in the world -- around 50 ft of up and down, twice a day. At high tide, the boats at the dock look normal. Halfway to low tide, they sit on a pile of mud. The sea continues to retreat, and at low tide, it must be a quarter mile out from the high water mark.

Low Tide, but it looks like this for several hours before and after.
July 7: More play at the park. We did some paddle boarding on a pretty lake and then took in some more pool time.
July 8: Drive to Prince Edward Island and start eating nonstop. We knew PEI oysters were good because there are some fancy oyster places in Louisiana that fly them in. But eating them for cheap where they are fresh out of the water was amazing. We ate four dozen oysters over the course of the day, each dozen at a different place. We also followed them with local mussels, lobsters, and scallops. Such a great day.

PEI Marina
July 9: We hung out around PEI all morning, and then found that the ferry to Nova Scotia was out. That meant we sat in traffic to use the one toll bridge all afternoon, and then had a much longer drive around to Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.
July 10: Cape Breton NP. And a long drive up to the tip of the cape to take in extremes in scary roads and scenery.

A cool campground at the end of the road on Cape Breton. It's much nicer than the national park campground where we're staying.
July 11: Cape Breton NP. We had a really gross rainy day today and didn't really get out much. We went to town for lunch, like every other camper in the park. I think it's the only day all summer that I didn't even take a picture.
I'll post more pictures soon.