Waiting at the Natatorium
January 24, 2020
Taking your kids to practice sounds like fun before you have to do it. Here's what I'm thinking about while I'm just sitting around waiting for practice to be over.
How to Championship
January 16, 2020
Every time that one of my teams plays for a championship -- an experience that I may or may not ever have again -- I get better at how to do it. Here are my championship stories and how I get better at it every year.
Happy New Year, Internet
January 09, 2020
A few guilty paragraphs about not posting more, a funny text message, and a video from New Year's that made us laugh.
What is a Pickled Pig's Lip?
November 08, 2019
A short funny post about a podcaster who is clueless about flyover America.
The Best Artist That No One Hates
December 05, 2018
The dentist chair is a good place for the mind to wander. This week, I took those mind-wanderings and started typing them out as a post. Whose music is dentist-office appropriate, but still good? Let the debate begin.
Boo City Planners
August 31, 2018
There are a lot of reasons to take the city planners in Baton Rouge to task. Here's one of very little importance.
Jeep Stereo
August 30, 2018
Driving a Jeep is great, as long as you don't mind rain dripping on you while you're driving, the check engine light being permanently alight, and if you want a consistently working stereo.
Food Thief
April 12, 2018
This is really short but funny. Not adding a spoiler here -- just go read the whole post.