Master Motivator, Beaglo Wild Wings, Night Market
September 20, 2023
On Friday, we had a happy hour scheduled with Mrs. theskinnyonbenny's office. Ko had a swim meet, and he didn't want me to leave him home alone afterwards. We had this little exchange.

Motivating Text Messages
It was a pretty good bet. Surely someone in his general range of times has been working all year with a serious swim team, swimming laps for an hour every day.
But darned if he didn't win his heat. He cut something like 1/6th of the time of his personal best, even though he really hasn't practiced much.

Ko is visibly a taller, leaner swimmer than he was last year.

35:71. First in his heat.
About 20 minutes later, he swam breast stroke. He finished second-to-last in the heat, but still set a personal best.

Breast Stroke
So I stayed home.
On Saturday, I messed around with the wiring for the TVs outside. We're up to four of them now. Also, both ESPN (for college) and NFL Sunday ticket let you split screens and show up to four simultaneous games. So I don't think there's going to be a point where there's a game on that I want to see and don't have the screen space to show it this fall.

ESPN's multi-screen experience is pretty good now.

The wiring behind the scenes outside is a show in itself.
And after (or really during) football, we headed out to the night market at Red Stick C.A.R.E.S. They had entertainment that was anywhere on the range from cute to very good. Mostly kids, and I didn't take pictures, but here are some people toward the very late stages of childhood performing on duclimers:
V was supposed to make a presentation. He had been very excited about it, bringing it up several times in the weeks leading up to the event. But then, he missed his cue due to some combination of needing an iron-fisted stage manager to tell him when to go and just plain being a 🐓.