tagsAll posts tagged with "food"
Remarkably Bright and Tasty Creatures
July 30, 2023
I'm going to write more words about octopuses here than you thought possible. Also, a little story-window into our Croatia trip last summer.
Taco Bell to Mike Andersons with "What I Did This Week" In-between
March 11, 2007
A description of my post.
Skin and Fat
July 24, 2006
There was a close-to-home episode of Dirty Jobs that premiered last week. The episode is titled "Skull Cleaner," but before we got to the stripping of skin, tendons, and brains from animal skulls, the host (Mike) went to a couple of those coon-ass meat shops to learn how to cook Louisiana-style.
Home Cooking
July 11, 2006
Probably the funniest thing about my mom is how she pronounces "potato." She changes every single sound of that first syllable, and comes up with a word pronounced roughly like "buh-TA-tuh." This led to hundreds of conversations in my life that went something like this....
Tuna Sandwich
May 25, 2006
Yesterday after basketball at lunch, I went to the Subway on Government street. I was in front of him in line, having trouble figuring out what to order. "I dunno... what are you going to have?"
Fried Bologna
March 28, 2006
Three reasons that I'm not going to jot down the fried bologna recipe that Tyler just told me at work today.
Beer Drinking at Byronz
March 10, 2006
There's a new restaurant a handful of blocks away from our house that we've been visiting very regularly since it opened. I really wanted to be able to pan Byronz Bistro. Just based on the location, the look of the building, and how long they took to renovate the building, I expected high prices, average food, and overworked, unattentive staff. I guess I'm a pessimist.
Bluebonnet Swamp and The Chimes East
February 14, 2006
Well, winter finally arrived to Baton Rouge this weekend. By winter, I mean that on Saturday, there were only a handful of hours during the middle of the day where it was warm enough to wear shorts, and even then, only because the hatred of long pants outweighs the discomfort of cold legs in my book.
French Fries
February 03, 2006
There's a plague going around Baton Rouge's sports bars, and no one even seems to care. The problem is waffle fries. By my count, Walk Ons, Pluckers, and Champs have all chosen waffle fries over real fries on their menu. Now, I know that the only purpose of fries is to act as the shovel, to get ketchup or cheese, or if you're really brave, chili and jalapenos into your gullet.
How Can You Not Smell Like Garlic?
January 25, 2006
Yesterday, I had a five-side combo plate at Serop's Express, a nearby Greek and Lebanese cafeteria-style restaurant. I like the Lebanese bean salad as one of my sides. It consists of little red beans, something green (parsley or cilantro, maybe?), something to give it moisture, and lots of white specks of minced garlic. Yum.
Eat at Zoe's
October 13, 2005
Yesterday, someone handed me a menu for a new restaurant in town. Zoe's has a regular, sandwich-heavy menu, and it's located in a new strip mall that is close to work and home. What jumped out at me was the egg sandwich on the menu. I've been on a quest to find a good egg sandwich in Baton Rouge for a couple of years.
October 04, 2005
Today, I went to Chick-fil-a for the first time. I had eaten a sandwich that someone had picked up for me once before, but this was the first time that I actually went into one of their stores. There were three registers open, and only one customer at the counter. I stayed back to look up at the menu, since I didn't know what they offered.
My Old Man Holds Pencils
September 29, 2005
It's a shame when I'm not smart enough to get the joke on my fast food cup.
July 22, 2005
The new Whole Foods store in our area opened on Wednesday of this week, and being the diligent reporter of what's happening locally, I joined about seventy thousand other Baton Rougans to see how it was. To be honest, there's nothing substantive to share. It's just a big store with a good but expensive selection of produce, meat, and cheese, not to mention a highly diverse selection of olives and nuts.
Price Gouged at Maxwell's
April 26, 2005
On Friday afternoon, I got a call from Mrs. theskinnyonbenny. She wanted to marinate a good steak, and then sit outside at the Regal Beagle cook on the grill, drink a few martinis, and eat. She had seen a recipe for a certain marinade meat combination that she wanted to try. It called for center cut tenderloin.
Eating Inside at Raising Cane's
January 19, 2005
I've been a regular visitor to Raising Cane's for many years now. For those of you out of town, Raising Cane's is a fast food place that sells nothing but fried chicken strips. No burgers, no salads, no dark meat, no options for crispy or spicy or anything like that. Just chicken. In a styrofoam box or on a bun. Take it or leave it.
December 09, 2004
I only know of one place in Baton Rouge where you can get biegnets and cafe au lait, and of course, you can't get much more than that. The place is called Coffee Call, and I would give you a link to their web site if I knew of one for them. I'm not really here to advertise anyway.
Louisiana Waterways: Atchafalaya Basin
June 15, 2004
Mrs. Skinnyonbenny and I went on an adventure Saturday. One of the things that we are trying to make a point to do is to explore some of the waterways in Louisiana. So, we went to Henderson to paddle in the swamp, to see what was out there.
Oatmeal Cookie Chunk
June 14, 2004
Why don't any of the stores carry Ben and Jerry's Oatmeal Cookie Chunk Ice Cream? Most of the convenience stores, drug stores, and all of the grocery stores carry Ben and Jerry's flavors, but for some reason, they select and choose what flavors to carry.
The Two Worst Smelling Places in Baton Rouge
May 26, 2004
I know a lot of people hate "lists," but don't count me among them. A couple of weeks ago, I started making a list of the 10 worst smelling spots in Baton Rouge. Every time I try to write down the list, I come up with two really legitimate entries, and some random lame filler entries.
Louie's for Breakfast
May 20, 2004
If you were an LSU student, then you've eaten at Louie's. It was the place to go after all the bars had closed but you didn't want to go home yet. Come to think of it, there was one knucklehead in the fraternity house that wanted to fire the cook and have the meals catered by Louie's. I'm sure it's still booming at 2:00 am, but at my age, we go there for breakfast.
Cinco de Mayo, and Is a Mushroom a Vegetable?
May 06, 2004
Today is that most contrived of American holidays, Cinco de Mayo. At least in the U.S., this seems only to be a celebration of Mexican restaurants. I'm not sure about other parts of the country, but at least in my town, Cinco de Mayo celebrations were started by Corona advertising, and local Mexican restaurants jumping on the bandwagon with specials.