European Surprises
March 24, 2024
There are a couple of little things that I found surprising about buying things that coil up in Eurpoe.
Driving in Slovenia
January 30, 2024
Slovenians love to take a walk. And it's a great place to walk. But there's also a flip side to being a great place to walk.
Unseasonal Decorations
January 03, 2024
Now that I don't have to get a kid up and make him get ready for school, I can start my mornings with long walks with the dog. It's been nice to take in the neighborhood Christmas decorations at a walking pace. But this week, I noticed a couple of decorations whose seasonality is questionable:
2023 Christmas Shenanigans
December 29, 2023
Every year, I create a big photo book from our activities over the year. It's mostly of the kids, with some other family portrait or maybe one pet picture. I print off three copies, and those get given as gifts to both of the grandmothers and to Mrs. theskinnyonbenny.
Christmas Tree
December 14, 2023
A couple of weekends ago, we headed out for the annual cutting down of the Christmas tree. We drive out in the parts of rural Louisiana that are in the hour or two from Baton Rouge, and there's not really another time that we get to these parts of the state. I forget from one year to the next that rolling hills of East Feleciana Parish are kind of pretty. Even more so with the little bit of changing leaf color that we see up there. It's not New Hampshire in September, but it's prettier than you would think.
Thanksgiving Weekend
November 30, 2023
Through most of my adult years, we've done destination Thanksgiving. It coincides with our wedding anniversary, so we've had a mix of family trips and friend meetups. We've never had friends come here -- where it's pleasant, but several times we've frozen our asses off at their homes or at some neutral location.
Orca-strating a Passage
November 10, 2023
This week, a group of Orcas sank a sailboat near the Strait of Gibraltar. You've likely being seeing these stories for several months. They've attacked a couple hundred boats over there. Very often, they do little or no damage. A few times, they've sunk the boat. This is nerve-wracking.
Travel Update, Site Update, Social Butterfly
November 01, 2023
There are a lot of upcoming changes to the site, as I still try to get all of the old stuff re-posted. Not much here, other than to report on some planning that we've done, as well as some info on what site stuff is coming up. We finish up enumerating how immensely popular theskinnyonbenny family is this week.
Smoking in the Boy's Room
October 13, 2023
One of the things that the lady said reminded me of something. When I started 7th grade, my new school had a designated smoking area for students.
Squirrel + Fire
September 27, 2023
Let's talk about some disappointments in my life, and then look at a couple of videos.
Master Motivator, Beaglo Wild Wings, Night Market
September 20, 2023
It didn't seem like an eventful weekend, but here I am with a post of full of words and pictures from Friday and Saturday.
Who Cares About Erin Carter
September 13, 2023
One night this week, I started watching Who is Erin Carter on Netflix, and I've got to tell you, I have never seen a more sloppily-written piece of television. I got 35 minutes into episode one. Good thing I'm here to tell you what's wrong.