All Of These Images Are 100% Real

October 04, 2024

A few days ago, I encountered this image online, and it made me laugh. I posted it as a picture of the day, but its day has only just come up this morning, as I type.


I thought that would be the end of my life with fake Donald Trump pictures -- at least for this election cycle. But then, I saw this one in the wild. On my Facebook feed, to be precise, and its poster also believed it to be a real shot of Trump helping with hurricane relief in North Carolina.


I decided to see if I could make some more fake Trump images that people would believe. But, I'm not going to actually use photo editing tools or anything. I'm sure in a few years this would be very easy, but how well can online AI image generators handle my little project today?

My first prompt: Create a realistic photo image of Donald Trump grilling weenies at the park with my kids. give me this image.


That's funny for sure. And I'm going to keep this around. I'm going to use it in replies to the other fake images and insist that this is real too. That it's a photo that I took myself.

Openart AI did better.


Not the best, but I don't want to spend my day signing up for every AI picture generator in the world. Let's stay here and try some more prompts.

Next prompt: Create a realistic photo image of Donald Trump rescuing a kitten from a tree.


I'm betting that the weird artifacts are going to take a while to shake out of the models that create these images.

All this is well and good, but I've strayed from hurricane relief. And what can the orange savior do for me?

Next prompt: Create a realistic photo image of Donald Trump rescuing a sailor during a hurricane.


Next prompt: Create a realistic photo image of Donald Trump helping an old lady who has fallen and can't get up.


I wonder if we can get one without the suit? Probably if we specify that he's playing golf.

Next prompt: Create a realistic photo image of Donald Trump petting a baby deer on the golf course.


I think that in at least the first one, the deer is playing too. I wonder if it's going to make the putt?

As far as the suit goes, I guess I'm going to have to explicitly ask for one of him in a bathing suit. One of y'all do that for me and send me the results, would you?

This all feels very friendly for a guy who's about to become president as a means of dodging accountability for major crimes, so lets finish with a prompt that he would not like as much.

Final prompt: Create a realistic photo image of Donald Trump holding hands with a drag queen.


Make sure you vote y'all!