Groundhog Money Burn and Little Kid Talk

February 03, 2016

This is just three totally unrelated short little posts about what's been happening around the theskinnyonbenny house.


January 08, 2016

I'm going to write a whole post dumping on Clemson football, and then tell you in a single sentence that I want them to win the national championship.

How to Stay Married for 20+ Years

December 05, 2015

Last week, Mrs. theskinnyonbenny and I celebrated our twentieth wedding anniversary. I'm not nearly old enough to have been married twenty years, just as I am not nearly old enough to have a younger sister who dotes on grandchildren, yet here we are in a weird parallel universe where both things are ture.

Old Man Gripes

November 02, 2015

As I've mentioned in this space before, I'm an old man now. It's time to start publishing my gripes.

Mandeville Sailing

October 30, 2015

We decided to sail to Mandeville, a town that's usually four or five hours from our home dock. It's a pretty standard trip for us, but this one spirals into nuttiness.

Summer Pattern

June 10, 2015

After being mostly away the past two weeks, our kids started camps this week. Vanya is doing dance, arts, and music at a camp that he seems to be enjoying quite a bit. Kolya is going to one that seems pretty similar to preschool. Let's face it, though. Preschool is a day-long session of dicking around in fun ways that also happen to be educational for little kids. Drawing, Play-doh, songs. It's a pretty good day compared to yours and mine.

Gotcha 2015

May 29, 2015

Today is Vanya's gotcha day, so happy day to a wonderful, kind-hearted, enthusiastic kid who has an amazing ability to make people smile. Our tradition is that the kids get to do pretty much what they choose...

Purging My Innermost Complaints

May 28, 2015

I keep hearing something that is turning me into a deranged, foamy-mouthed lunatic. I'm not sure if this has just started, or if I've just started noticing. But I keep hearing people say "bolth" instead of "both." Are these maniacs stooges for the "L" lobby? Also, comments on a podcast, some journalism, and a sailboat electronics installation. It's not as disjointed as it sounds.

The Skinny on theskinny

May 20, 2015

This year, I moved the site to a new web host for the first time. Since theskinny was the very, very first thing I ever did on the internet, it's chok-a-block full of pages that were developed really, really wrong. That means that pretty much every page, feed, menu, and link broke when I moved domains.

Old Man/Young Boy

March 26, 2015

A double post, first going into how I'm older than shit, and then followed by some cute daddy-blog crap.

Drive Tunes and Thoughts

March 17, 2015

A big nerdy reflection, a little Three's Company content, and then an out-of-the-blue joke that really hits.

Mardi Gras

February 25, 2015

My out of state friends might be lead to believe that Mardi Gras is a long weekend in February. In fact, it goes on and on forever. Technically, Carnival starts on Kings Day (January 6) every year, and runs to a date that is chosen with some relation to Easter, which we all know comes from a ritual that the Pope does featuring chicken blood and full moons. I went to public school, so that's about all I know on how Easter gets scheduled.