Post Launch
February 02, 2024
Just a flurry of activity since we put the boat in the water.
Every certified expert in every boat system -- refrigeration, water maker, electronics, engine, and many more -- have come aboard to do their commissioning or calibration. Riggers and cleaners have been hard at work every day. I sneak in there and dirty up their work while setting up internet access and trying to get our real-time tracker to work.
The engine was slow to start the first two days that we ran it (although once it got going, it was fine), but the engine guy is over there now replacing fuel lines.
There are also decorators finishing out the salon and cabins. They're going to professionally photo-shoot it this afternoon.
Meanwhile, we've been buying provisions and supplies. The cockpit of Hagazussa looks like a storage locker.
All of this has been very, very fun, and I haven't slept more than 4 hours straight since she went into the water.
Let's do some pics:

Burr. Frost on the dock one morning.

Marko -- the Pegasus yachts owner who is also the naval architect called me over to look at this boat. It's his first design.

I don't usually post them, but I almost always finish up a drone flight with a selfie. This one is too funny not to post. I had no idea how disheveled I was.
This post is dated Feb 2, which is when I wrote most of it, but then things got busy with getting provisions and moving aboard. It's evening on Feb 3 as I finish this, and I bet I already have a lot more great pictures.
The live tracking is working now also. It always takes someone at Predict Wind to jiggle the handle to make that map show up correctly, and they missed our departure, but it seems to be working now. If the frame on the big-trip page is hard to see on your device, you can go to the map directly.