Biding Time

April 01, 2024

A week and a half since my last post, and there's really not much new to report.

The boat is repaired and ready to go back in the water, but it was blowing 40 kts on Wednesday, making the boat lift out of the question, and then the boat yard has been closed for Easter break every day since.

We're in our third apartment. They have various degrees of convenience and amenities, but all of them are a step down when compared to our quarters aboard the boat.

We have mostly just been doing work, school, and streaming American TV. We wander the town, and we're a little tired of every bar and restaurant. We've come to know a healthy percentage of the local British population, just from happening to be seated near them at cocktail hour one night or another. Last Thursday, we went to a random going away party, and it happened to be an outgoing dog lover who had introduced herself to Rosie and then to the rest of us at a different place earlier in the stay.

The wind continues to blow us away, in both the literal and figurative senses. We turned the Pegasus crew loose to make their way home after they had worked around the clock for 10 days or so, leaving me to roll on a couple of coats of bottom paint. I did it in the wind, and the gale would lift sheets of paint up out of my paint tray and blow it over my head and face. Last Tuesday, I was too paint-covered to drop in and see my Scottish friend perform at the Irish Pub's open mic night.

Easter weekend brought our first real rain, and we huddled in our tiniest apartment to watch movies. I'm not sure if it's one of our most memorable or least memorable Easters.

We should be able to put in on April Fool's day and get moving again after a day of sail-hoisting and cleanup.

Killing time at the British Pub, the Stumble Inn.
Blowing like hell.
Saharan dust blowing in with the wind storm. It gets all over everything. As gross as it is interesting.
Painting our repaired bottom.
Our new friend Frank, who built his own sailboat, sailed it around the world, and remembers about 4% of it. Cool dude nevertheless.
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