All posts tagged with "young-ruski"

Thanksgiving Weekend

November 30, 2023

Through most of my adult years, we've done destination Thanksgiving. It coincides with our wedding anniversary, so we've had a mix of family trips and friend meetups. We've never had friends come here -- where it's pleasant, but several times we've frozen our asses off at their homes or at some neutral location.

Master Motivator, Beaglo Wild Wings, Night Market

September 20, 2023

It didn't seem like an eventful weekend, but here I am with a post of full of words and pictures from Friday and Saturday.

You Better Start Rolling a Shitload of Meat Pies

March 03, 2020

My sweet son V likes nothing more than shopping for trucks. He apparently took his inquiry a little further this week, and entered his contact information into a form. As soon as he started getting messages from the dealer, he got a little nervous.

The Ko Show

January 03, 2019

Ko just turned 8. He thinks he can drive.

Morning News

March 28, 2018

Young kids love the vulgarities. Ours get to hear plenty of them.


January 16, 2018

It's really cold, and earlier this winter, it even snowed in Baton Rouge!

Shipping News

August 18, 2017

I was helping V with a book report, and there's a giant picture of an old ship with six thousand little labels for every line and sail. Boat geeks and readers of parent blogs alike with rejoice in this internet content.

School Drive

August 10, 2017

I wonder whose job it is to come up with new neighborhood street names. I'm thinking that this might be the job for me. Here's how I get to that idea.


January 23, 2017

Someone pulled off a good one on the whole skinnyonbenny family, and we don't even know who did it.

Yes, You Really Have To Hang That Shit

December 09, 2016

I hate to break it to you, but you have to keep hanging that shit forever. Look at all the shitty Christmas decorations I put on the tree this year.

Halloween-time Recap and Pictures

November 07, 2016

It's been like a year and a half since I got photos posted to this web site in any sort of manner that is timely enough to share. Until now. We kicked off spooky weekend number one with a visit to a "haunted corn maze" out in the middle of nowhere. It ended up being a really big corn maze that I suspect looked very little like its map picture:

Kindergarten Lunch Duty

August 23, 2016

K is always quiet on his way to school, and it often freaks me out, since he's never quiet. This morning was his second full day of school -- and his first where I wasn't planning to walk him in, and I was afraid that he was nervous about finding his way around. At a stop light, I turned back to him and asked, "Are you sure you know where to go when I drop you off?"

Easter Week Trip

April 06, 2016

We spent the week of Easter on the sailboat. Almost entirely, we were tied up at Pontchartrain Landing on the lakeshore. It's an almost unknown RV Park and Marina, and not at all a bad place to hole up for a week.

Groundhog Money Burn and Little Kid Talk

February 03, 2016

This is just three totally unrelated short little posts about what's been happening around the theskinnyonbenny house.

Summer Pattern

June 10, 2015

After being mostly away the past two weeks, our kids started camps this week. Vanya is doing dance, arts, and music at a camp that he seems to be enjoying quite a bit. Kolya is going to one that seems pretty similar to preschool. Let's face it, though. Preschool is a day-long session of dicking around in fun ways that also happen to be educational for little kids. Drawing, Play-doh, songs. It's a pretty good day compared to yours and mine.

Gotcha 2015

May 29, 2015

Today is Vanya's gotcha day, so happy day to a wonderful, kind-hearted, enthusiastic kid who has an amazing ability to make people smile. Our tradition is that the kids get to do pretty much what they choose...

Old Man/Young Boy

March 26, 2015

A double post, first going into how I'm older than shit, and then followed by some cute daddy-blog crap.


December 17, 2014

In preschool a couple of weeks ago, Kolya's class made gingerbread men. When they went out to play, the teachers hid them, and they told the kids that the cookies came to life, ran around the classroom, and dared the kids to find them. The kids looked all over, inside and out, and they couldn't find the runaway gingers.

Disney, Once Again Filling Toddler Minds with Filth

December 10, 2014

For a number of weeks, three-year-old Kolya has insisted that Anna from Frozen has a line in a song where she sings, "Pain in the Ass." I found that to be a highly dubious claim, and when I caught him watching it after work yesterday, I asked him to give me a call when the "Pain in the Ass" part comes on.

This Week in Happiness

November 20, 2014

Vanya's school had a Thanksgiving thing where we all go eat with the class. V served himself a typical little kid lunch: chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, and a roll. While he was eating, the mom who brought the potatoes stopped and asked him how he liked them.

Disciplining Your Children

September 19, 2014

A description of my post.

First Day of Pre-K 3

August 12, 2014

A description of my post.

Snacks Made Out Of Other Snacks

July 04, 2014

A description of my post.

Festival Stuff

May 01, 2014

A description of my post.


March 21, 2014

A description of my post.

Uke Guy

February 12, 2014

A description of my post.

Real Ice

January 10, 2014

A description of my post.


January 08, 2014

A description of my post.

Here's Cheese in Your Eye

December 09, 2013

A description of my post.

Boat Builders

October 17, 2013

A description of my post.


September 16, 2013

A description of my post.

Window Washer

May 30, 2013

A description of my post.

Birthday Greeting

February 06, 2013

A description of my post.

Verbal Simplicity

January 28, 2013

A description of my post.

Kids Marathon 2013

January 23, 2013

A description of my post.

Will You Hurry the F&%k Up!

January 16, 2013

A description of my post.

Tummy Ache

January 15, 2013

A description of my post.

Good Morning All

December 12, 2012

A description of my post.


November 02, 2012

A description of my post.

Puss Neck

October 16, 2012

A description of my post.

Overheard at theskinnyonbenny Headquarters

September 06, 2012

A description of my post.

Little Killjoy

August 24, 2012

A description of my post.

Road Trip to Hades

August 10, 2012

A description of my post.

Accessory Remorse

May 09, 2012

A description of my post.

Nice Kid, This One

April 13, 2012

A description of my post.

Country Kid

February 28, 2012

A description of my post.

Loose Tooth

February 17, 2012

A description of my post.

Mutts 2012

January 31, 2012

A description of my post.

Too Clever for My Own Good

January 27, 2012

A description of my post.

Some Quick Stories With Nothing to Connect Them

November 11, 2011

A description of my post.

From This Year's DC Trip

August 11, 2011

A description of my post.

And No Cowboy Boots Either

June 06, 2011

A description of my post.


May 11, 2011

A description of my post.

Easter Trip

April 28, 2011

A description of my post.

Who Came Over for Snack Time

April 11, 2011

A description of my post.

Primary Colors

January 06, 2011

A description of my post.

2010 Christmas Season

December 31, 2010

A description of my post.

Two Short Scenes From Real Life

July 02, 2010

A description of my post.


June 17, 2010

A description of my post.

Another Cartoon Post

June 14, 2010

A description of my post.

Green Monster

May 04, 2010

A description of my post.

WBRZ Mardi Gras Coverage

February 19, 2010

A description of my post.

Crime Fighters

February 18, 2010

A description of my post.

Follow up - more details

November 13, 2009

A description of my post.

Halloween Recap

November 12, 2009

A description of my post.

Don't Get Sucked In

October 29, 2009

A description of my post.

Power Outage

October 05, 2009

A description of my post.

New Bathroom

June 29, 2009

A description of my post.

Account of a Good Day Saturday

April 28, 2009

A description of my post.

Shopping Trip

April 14, 2009

A description of my post.

#1 in Soccer

April 06, 2009

A description of my post.


March 25, 2009

A description of my post.

Lassie, Jr.

March 23, 2009

A description of my post.

Bulls, Boobies, Bull -- Mardi Gras Wrapup

February 27, 2009

A description of my post.

A Sad Children's Story

May 05, 2008

A description of my post.

Thanks Shelly

April 22, 2008

A description of my post.


April 03, 2008

"Why on Earth did I want a boy?" I never thought I would hear that come from Mrs. theskinnyonbenny's mouth, but sure enough, we had the nastiest, dirtiest kid in Baton Rouge last Sunday, and it got to that point.


February 26, 2008

A description of my post.

Russian Language and Culture Notes

January 16, 2008

A description of my post.

Halloween Highlights

November 06, 2007

A description of my post.

Remind Me Again, Where is it that We All Live?

September 07, 2007

A description of my post.

Where is all of My Stuff?

August 20, 2007

A description of my post.

Morning Farewell

July 26, 2007

A description of my post.

Shit Breath

July 11, 2007

A description of my post.

Letting the Cat Out of the Bag

March 21, 2007

A description of my post.

Being a Guardian

July 13, 2004

Brent and Crystal have raised good kids so far. Annika and Jake are tough, active little ones. No one ever stops to whine over a bruise; they just pick themselves up and keep moving, no matter what happens. On the other hand, I've heard Jake scream loud enough to blast paint off of a wall when he was put to bed. And I've heard him keep this up for 30 minutes or more. So keeping them for a weekend was certain to be an adventure.