Hurricane Ivan
September 16, 2004
Gratefully, Hurricane Ivan turned out to be a non-event for Baton Rouge. Yesterday was the day of anticipation. The storm was due to hit land in the evening. I was whipped all day long. After my 3:30 - 7:30 AM journey to secure Velvet Elvis, I headed in for a full day of work. Needless to say, I was dragging ass, with red eyes from lack of sleep and dirty contacts.

The Hurricane Party Started Without Me
When I got home, there was a small hurricane party in full swing. Instead of a nap, I got a cheerful, "now you can cook the burgers!" Oh well, I drank a beer or two, and started the charcoal.
It was a pretty good time. There was a pool to see who could guess the closest time to when it would start raining. No one took the pot, as it never rained. We also played, "For whom would you go gay?" We had three female votes for Madonna, one for Cameron Diaz, and one inexplicable call for Sandra Day O'Conner. Wow.
I find the whole question disturbing, and couldn't bring myself to voice a decision. With authority, I shot down Brad Pitt and someone else (I can't remember who) who was sort of rugged-looking. For sure, whoever I pick wouldn't look too manly.

Sandra Day O'Conner
As you know, the hurricane took a last minute jog to the East, as the experts predicted. We ended up with no damage at home. Hopefully, the boat fared as well.

Since I have no better place to archive this image, here is the Channel 2 web site's whether forecast. Note Thursday's prediction. This was from their web site a couple of days ago.