All posts tagged with "christmas"

Unseasonal Decorations

January 03, 2024

Now that I don't have to get a kid up and make him get ready for school, I can start my mornings with long walks with the dog. It's been nice to take in the neighborhood Christmas decorations at a walking pace. But this week, I noticed a couple of decorations whose seasonality is questionable:

2023 Christmas Shenanigans

December 29, 2023

Every year, I create a big photo book from our activities over the year. It's mostly of the kids, with some other family portrait or maybe one pet picture. I print off three copies, and those get given as gifts to both of the grandmothers and to Mrs. theskinnyonbenny.


December 17, 2014

In preschool a couple of weeks ago, Kolya's class made gingerbread men. When they went out to play, the teachers hid them, and they told the kids that the cookies came to life, ran around the classroom, and dared the kids to find them. The kids looked all over, inside and out, and they couldn't find the runaway gingers.

You Checked Our Shitters, Honey?

December 08, 2014

The Saturday after Thanksgiving, we went to get our Christmas tree. The specific criteria we had made it hard to find a place to go: