Top Five Countdown

November 15, 2007

It's a little known fact that I count every time that I hear any song. Any song ever. For example, do you know that theme from The Nutcracker, whose name I don't know, but which is used in one out of three commercials between now and January 1? Well, I've heard that 5917 times in my life. This year, it will probably break into the top five.

As it currently stands, the top five looks like this:

#SongNumber of Times Listened
5Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Sweet Home Alabama" 6,794
4"Rocky Top," as performed by the University of Tennessee Band 7,104
3The opening credit theme song for Three's Company 9,824
2"Brown Eyed Girl," as performed by Van Morrison, followed by any number of covers, and every band ever to play at a wedding, bar mitzva, or office party. 10,312
The main song played by the Animal Train, a favorite toy in our house, sold by Fisher Price.

Notice that number one is there with a bullet. I had never heard it at all before June, so every play has been in these past five months. I think it works out to 70-80 times a day.