Quick Hello

August 05, 2010

So what happened? The world isn't still making fun of Mel Gibson? But I wasn't tired of it yet!

Rumors of my disappearance from the face of the planet have been greatly exaggerated. But I did disappear from Baton Rouge for quite a while. We took a Vegas trip with a bunch of grown ups in mid-June, and then the spent the past two weeks shuttling from Tales of the Coctail in New Orleans, a vacation house in Tennessee, and then a few days from Florida's forgotten coast through the heart of the Redneck Riviera.

I've got dozens of stories and hundreds of pictures, but I've also got ants in my adventure gear, kayaks still tied to the roof of my car, a refrigerator full of rotting produce, and wet swimsuits, towls, and gear threatening to mildew. I also have a new website to get up in the next week, some long term contract work to try to lock down, and a kid to watch for the next several days before school starts.

So be patient, and more stuff will appear in this space little by little.