Music Friday: A Meloncholy Drive to the Airport

January 11, 2013

A couple of weeks ago, I had to meet Shelly at the airport, where she was dropping off her rental car. (It's a long, holiday season travel story. If you're interested, rent Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. It's much funnier).

On the way to the airport, I needed a diet coke to calm my cotton mouth and caffiene-starved nervous system. Because I'm that type of guy, I called Shelly to see what she would want from the convenience store. She ordered a Diet Mountain Dew.

And that brings me to Lana Del Rey, who has a single called Diet Mountain Dew. And it's not a bad tune, but this one is better.

I was actually lukewarm on Video Games when it came out, but it grew on me during 2012, and now I would put it as one of the top songs of that year.

Now I know that this was a 2011 song, but I just wrote that it grew on me in 2012. I know this, because I downloaded a lot of free (bug legal) best-of the year songs this past January, and this was definitely one of them.

This tUnE-yArDs song was one of my downloads too, but I keep forgetting about it. A handful of times this year, I've come across the song or the video, and I always thing, "What is that? I should download it." But I think I'll remember it now.

Incidentally, none of this was actually on the radio during my drive to the airport. I remember a catchy hip-hop tune that I'd actually like to rediscover, but Shazaam didn't have it, and my brain didn't keep the information either. The only lyric I remember is the n-word, repeated quickly and in a rhythm which I could imitate, but that's no good to a search engine. A lyric search isn't going to give me a small enough list to peruse anyway, and I don't exactly need that showing up in my Google history when I run for Congress, you know?