How Can You Not Smell Like Garlic?

January 25, 2006

Yesterday, I had a five-side combo plate at Serop's Express, a nearby Greek and Lebanese cafeteria-style restaurant. I like the Lebanese bean salad as one of my sides. It consists of little red beans, something green (parsley or cilantro, maybe?), something to give it moisture, and lots of white specks of minced garlic. Yum.

Of course, one eats this for lunch and then reeks of garlic for the rest of the day. Yesterday, I brushed my teeth after lunch. Then, after work, I went to the gym and worked up a sweat on the staircase treadmill for 35 minutes. That was followed by a shower.

As soon as I got home, Mrs. theskinnyonbenny asked, "Did you have garlic for lunch?"

What can you do?